NOLA Baby Bags To-Go

NOLA To-Go Baby Bag Giveaway
Saturday, Nov. 14 • 10 a.m. to noon
Regeneration Church, 5234 N. Claiborne Ave.

Louisiana Black Advocates for Life will be giving away baby supplies in November to help moms and babies in need in the New Orleans area.

Download a Flyer to Share With Mothers in Need

NOLA To-Go Baby Bags will be given away on Saturday, Nov. 14, from 10 a.m. to noon at Regeneration Church, 5234 N. Claiborne Ave., New Orleans. Bags will include diapers, wipes, soap, formula and shampoo.

Can you help us help moms and babies? You can donate supplies or funds, and we will do the shopping for you!

If you’d like to donate supplies, you can mail or drop off at the Louisiana Black Advocates for Life office at 200 Robert E. Lee Blvd., New Orleans.

If you’d like to make a monetary donation, click here.

For more information, contact Pastor Jonathan Burton at 504.400.7037 or

Download Donation Flyer and Share With Family and Friends

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